
Leaked US-Iraqi Agreement - Permanent Bases, Indefinite Occupation

AFSC posts first English translation of U.S.-Iraq draft agreement*

WASHINGTON, DC (Sept. 3) – At the end of 2008, the current U.N. mandate for the United States military presence in Iraq expires. Will the U.S. stay, or will it withdraw its troops?

An Arabic-language version of a draft agreement has appeared in media outlets in Iraq, but has not been reported on in the United States. The American Friends Services Committee today posts the first known public English translation.

Members of the U.S. and Iraq executive branches have worked to define what will happen with the U.S. troops, but. neither government had announced an agreement. Both the U.S. Congress and the Iraqi parliament have expressed strong resistance to such a measure. The Iraqi parliament, in particular, opposes establishing such an agreement with an occupying power. The agreement would have significant implications for the future of the U.S. military presence, permanent bases, and other aspects of continuing U.S. occupation in Iraq.

Raed Jarrar, AFSC Iraq consultant, has translated this draft to better inform U.S. policymakers, media, and interested members of the public.

*copied entirely from the AFSC website

To read a transcript of an interview between Raed Jarrar, the translator of the document, and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, follow this link or watch the video of this interview (real player)

"Maybe a major point that is related to this discussion is the fact that the agreement legitimizes or legalizes these long-term bases, that indefinite number of US troops will stay there."

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